Pattaya in pictures

Pattaya in pictures

Our gallery with pictures from Pattaya and in and around our hotel. Pictures we made our self or pictures from guests. If you use a mobile device, rotating your phone shows you larger versions of the pictures.

We would love to have your pictures from Pattaya here as well. Send us an email with your pictures and we gladly add them!



Stay at the cosiest hotel in Pattaya

We would love to welcome you at our hotel, Villa Oranje, probably the cosiest hotel in Pattaya, right here in the city center!

Rattana, manager of Villa Oranje

We have great guest reviews

You can have such a great experience as well! Book your stay now

Villa Oranje Pattaya
Based on 78 reviews
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Ian. SellarsIan. Sellars
08:14 14 Sep 22
Great relaxing stay good wifi food.but well hidden from life
Chris DChris D
11:58 05 Aug 22
A great place with super friendly owners and staff - would definitely stay again ☺️
Ivar BrinkmanIvar Brinkman
06:22 19 Jul 22
The hotel surpassed my expectations in every way: hospitable, great bar and nice food. Plus a quiet spacious room and a nice pool. Highly recommended !
A true hidden gem in Pattaya. We arrived from Bangkok with my wife and three kids without booking and luckily were able to get two rooms.Thanks to Rattana and Giani for their warm welcome and kindness. We'll be back for sure 😊
Jamie FarrarJamie Farrar
12:12 14 Jul 22
Great rooms, you can pay 4 times more and not have a room like this. Great owners friendly service, food is top notch. (Breakfast is one of the best around) pool, quiet area but 5 mins to main bars and resturant area. Nice bar. Perfect place to stay in Pattaya.
Thomas JanssensThomas Janssens
10:50 07 Apr 22
Excellent rooms with comfy bed. Nice swimming pool. Quiet location. Giani and Rattana are very helpful and welcoming hosts.